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Bob Dylan – Blonde On Blonde (Double LP)

1967 was the year of the key works: The Beach Boys thrilled with “Pet Sounds”, The Moody Blues delivered official with their LP “Day Of Future Passed” and the Beatles presented another number 1 album with their masterpiece “Sgt. Pepper”. . But a year earlier, Bob Dylan had released “Blonde On Blonde”: the inspired double album shone with folk-pop pearls that were as simple as they were ingenious. Supported by famous colleagues such as Robbie Robertson, Joe South and Al Kooper, Dylan developed such evergreens from his compositions as “Rainy Day Women #12 & #35”, “I Want You”, “Just Like A Woman” and “Most Likely You”. Go Your Way”.

In 2022, Bob Dylan’s recording debut will be almost a record-breaking 60 years old: on March 19, 1962, Dylan’s self-titled first album was released by Columbia Records in New York, with a total of 420 dollars in production costs. Now, to mark the occasion, Dylan’s three undoubtedly most important 1960s albums are being re-released on vinyl: the musical triptych Bringing It All Back Home (1965), Highway 61 Revisited (1965) and the first double album in rock history
te, “Blonde On Blonde” (1966). In the latest remastering, of course, with the contemporary red stereo labels, the famous “Stereo 360 Sound” logos and, for the first time ever, with replicas of the original advertising stickers (“hype stickers” in collectors’ jargon) on the covers. In black vinyl as it should be. Due to limited quantities, pre-orders are advisable this time.






Folk World & Country



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