
Kokoroko – Could We Be More

د.م. 500,00

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Kokoroko – Could We Be More (LP)

As a fan of the London jazz octet Kokoroko, you had to have a bit of patience. Not because their music is lacking in events or lacking in emphasis, the opposite is the case. It’s because the hype surrounding the band has built up so much over the past few years that the release of their debut album »Could We Be More« seemed to drag on forever. Kokoroko can’t do anything about that, after all, the songs were recorded in the summer of 2020. But it’s been special years since then.

But now »Could We Be More« is available and the wait has really been worth it. The modern jazz of the combo around singer and trumpeter Sheila Maurice-Grey takes up the atmospheric influences from West African and Caribbean music with which the members of Kokoroko grew up and combines them seemingly effortlessly with modern jazz sounds and a good pinch of funk.

Always carried by absolutely positive vibes, the eight alternate between playfully catchy songs like “We Give Thanks” and more reservedly relaxed numbers like “Age Of Ascent” or “Something’s Going On”.

You don’t hear for a second on the 15 songs that »Could We Be More« is a debut. On the contrary, Kokoroko are already moving impressively confidently in their own style.


»Africa and Caribbean and Bay Area and jazz and pop and marijuana and sun with lots of shade for the necessary chill.​« (stereoplay, September 2022) »

The sound is compact, the polyrhythmic grooves are supported by keyboards, from the dub passion City-born space effects provide subtle moments.​ [.​.​.​] The fantastic album is available on bass-heavy vinyl, which does well with volume.​« (MINT, October 2022)








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